an international Normande cattle registry
Fullblood Normande cow at the SPACE exhibition in France

About Normande Cattle

The Normande is a dual purpose breed with grassfed genetics, that produces milk high in fat, ideal for butter and cheese, and unsurpassed beef that is tender, well marbled, with excellent flavor.

Normande Cattle Registry

USNO registers Normande cattle with the internationally recognized breed code, required for export to other countries.

Fullblood USNO registered cow & calf pair

Normande Cattle Marketing

Normande genetics for sale…

Resources to assist in marketing Normande cattle.


"Awesome, thanks for the registration certificates. Well done. You have been amazing. Thank you so much." "I’m glad USNO is so thorough. I am really starting to get a grasp on what we have done with our herd. I think this will help us start marketing them better."
UB Cattle, CO
"We received our registration certificates in the mail this evening; the nicest, most professional looking registration out of several other cattle registries we belong to, as well as goats too. Thank You!"I am so glad to have found you. You are a wonderful resource. 🙂 I look forward to learning more through your posts and articles. Thanks so much! We appreciate it!!
Homestead Cattle Association seal

About us

U.S. Normande Organization (USNO) was originally organized in 2014 to enable registered Normande cattle to export internationally. USNO is an international registry, and registers fullblood, purebred & composite Normande cattle in any country. USNO issues registration certificates that are affordable, while adding maximum value to Normande cattle. This is done in 4 ways:

    № 1. Registration numbers include international breed codes.
    № 2. Normande cattle names & numbers are not changed.
    № 3. Normande breed’s original dual purpose is preserved.
    № 4. Normande and all other breed % composition is identified.

USNO Normande Cattle Organization